Indicat pacienților cu vârsta cuprinsa intre 15 și 55 de ani care au dobândit o leziune de cartilaj cu o suprafață mai mare de 2 cmp și o adâncime mai mare de 2 mm. Forma rectangulară: dimensiuni de 2*3 cm și 3*4 cm. Forma cilindrică: diametre de 1,2, 1,5 și 1,8 cm. Preț: întreabă-ți medicul ortoped despre indicații și cost aproximativ
To date, more than 4.000 patients have been treated with MaioRegen, which is considered an effective and safe treatment.
A randomized controlled clinical trial (RCT) vs. microfracture (Level of Evidence 1) shows a statistical significant improvement in the clinical scores (IKDC Subjective, Tegner, KOOS, VAS) at 2 years follow-up.
MaioRegen has proven to be superior to microfracture in the following indications: deep osteochondral lesions, osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) and in the population of sport active patients.
Deep Osteochondral Lesions (Outerbridge Grade IV)
Statistically significant superiority of MaioRegen vs. Microfracture (+12.4 points in change from baseline for IKDC subjective score).
Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD)
Superiority of 12 points in change from baseline of MaioRegen vs. Microfracture in IKDC Subjective score.
Sport Active Patients
Statistically significant superiority of MaioRegen vs. Microfracture (+16 points in change from baseline for IKDC subjective score).
Superiority of MaioRegen treatment in these populations provides clear indications for the treatment of osteochondral lesions with MaioRegen Prime.
Moreover, a pilot study with 27 patients shows the stability of clinical scores at 8 year of follow-up, in patients suffering from complex lesions treated with MaioRegen
Subjective IKDCX – 96 months follow-up
Tegner Score – 96 months follow-up

Imaginea artroscopica a leziunii de cartilaj

Leziunea expusa folosind tehnica mini-open
.o incizie de max. 2 cm